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How to Set Intentions for a Mindful 2022

Is the New Year’s resolution a thing of the past? When I was growing up, and even into adulthood, I heard people ask one another “what is your new year’s resolution” right before the new year was about to begin. And I, not knowing any differently, would always try to come up with something to change for the new year. This would go on for several days and often even weeks before the new year. As a student, I’d make a resolution to not procrastinate so much and that generally lasted a few months, if I was lucky! As a woman, I’d vow to eat less junk food, exercise more, lose a certain amount of weight or some other health goal! As a professional, I’d vow to plan better, manage my time more efficiently…you get the point.  

If you’re like me, you’ve made all kinds of lists, plans, or goals, invested in new journals, planners, and any kind of resource to assist you in achieving your resolutions for the new year!  According to StatisticBrain.com some of the top resolutions include quit smoking, lose weight, stay fit and healthy, save more and spend less. Their statistics also show that only 8% of people are actually successful in achieving their resolutions. 

What happened to the other 92% of those who set some very sincere and lofty goals? Often times, when people set goals or resolutions at the beginning of the year, they don’t take into account their daily habits and the intention it takes to make lasting changes.  A few weeks go by and they’re already off track.  Once the feeling of failure sets in, most people give up or get frustrated with themselves for their lack of discipline.   

What if there’s a better way to make changes, keep your goals, and set yourself up to achieve your new year’s resolutions? 

Learning How to Set Intentions 

Over the last few years, I have become increasingly more aware through my own research, social media and even people around me of this idea of “setting an intention”. Setting an intention refers to thinking about how you want to live, engage in the world, and get the most out of your life while looking towards the future. When you lack intention is when you inadvertently get off track and lose your focus, especially on the things you’d like to change or improve in your life.  

When you practice setting an intention daily, weekly, monthly, even quarterly, you are focusing on habits, values, and sustainable strategies that over time allow you to make the changes you’re desiring. The great thing about setting an intention is it isn’t something you do one-time and then don’t revisit.  You can make this a daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly practice.  

You can also set different intentions for different time periods. For example, one of my daily intentions is to be mindful of how I interact with those around me; my thoughts, actions, and my speech.  Another daily intention I started that has become a yearly intention is to be more mindful about my schedule on a daily basis.  Additionally, an intention I now practice every year is to give more focus to my overall health, and to be mindful about how I care for myself. While my yearly intention to focus on my health may seem similar to a health goal such as losing weight or getting in shape, it’s actually a much different focus than a weight loss goal.  It’s a daily intention of caring for myself and being mindful of what my body needs each day to function well and enjoy optimal health.   

According to mindfulminutes.com, setting an intention should not be confused with a goal. They refer to an intention as “… an aim, a purpose, or attitude you’d be proud to commit to.” It’s like the old Buddhist saying “what you think, what you become.”  Daily intentions practiced over time eventually become incorporated into the pattern or patterns of how you live your life.  So, they aren’t items on a list that once achieved aren’t really thought of anymore.  Being intentional on a daily basis can truly create lasting and meaningful change in my life and in yours too.

5 Tips to Help Set Your Own Intentions

Here, I’ve listed five tips to help you as you begin to set some intentions in your life, whether that be for the new year’s, or simply for each day of the week.

1. Positive Intentions are Key

First and foremost, make your intention positive. The more positive your perspective is in life, the more you will attract positive things. Whether your intentions relate to your personal life, work life, or spiritual life, having a positive outlook is key in setting a successful intention.

2. Set Realistic Intentions

Another important factor is to set realistic intentions with realistic time frames.  Many people take the approach of “bigger is better”, but when it comes to intentions it’s actually the opposite.  In order to set yourself up for success, aim for a smaller, more frequent intention setting.  In my personal example above, I mentioned setting an intention for the day.  This is a great way to begin practicing setting intentions and a daily practice is absolutely achievable.  

3. Write Your Intentions Down

A great way to prioritize your intentions and keep track of them is to write them down.  Grab a separate journal or notebook or type them into a laptop or your smartphone to have a list of your intentions as well as one location where you can keep track of them.  Similarly as to when you write down the things you’re grateful for, writing down your intentions creates an opportunity for you to gain momentum and be able to look back on the process of setting intentions.  

4. Share Your Intentions With Someone You Trust

Sharing your intentions with a friend, co-worker or loved one is a great way to stay focused on the process of setting intentions.  Not only are you able to be held more accountable, but you are also able to receive support and encouragement during your newly implemented intentions.

5. Couple Your Intentions with Meditating 

If you are working on setting a daily intention, try to spend time meditating or using some mindfulness techniques.  Meditation helps clear your mind and gather your focus for the day ahead.  It doesn’t take long at all to meditate or practice mindfulness.  All it takes is 5 minutes a day and you can practice upon waking each day.  It’s also a great time to set your intention for the day first thing in the morning.

In conclusion, year two of the pandemic has added a good bit of stress and uncertainty in the daily lives of many and setting goals could feel counterproductive, especially if you’re feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the future.  A daily intention again can stave off the stress of planning in a season where nothing is constant and the need for coping and emotional agility is more pressing than achieving certain successes or goals.Setting daily intentions can help if you’re struggling with anxiety.  If your larger or lofty goals bring on feelings of anxiousness, deciding to set some intentions daily can be a way to focus on the present and be mindful of the day that’s in front of you.  

However you choose to practice setting intentions, remember that starting with even just one daily intention can make a difference in your life in a short amount of time.  So, let’s get to setting those intentions! Happy New Year! 

If you are interested in learning more about setting personal intentions and how to make 2022 a great year, please feel free to contact me by email or by phone at 805-405-4746.